Enable AI agents to safely move real money

The first secure financial platform built specifically to let AI agents move money—without direct access to customer funds.

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AI could be trusted.
Yet it should be verified.

Introducing Payman

Trust AI transactions with complete security

AI agents never have direct access to your customers' funds. Payman securely connects AI to bank accounts, removing any risk of unauthorized access, mistakes, or fraud.

  • SOC 2 and PCI compliance

  • Strict security policies

  • Human control over AI

Take the helm.
Stay in control of your assets

Set the custom approval processes for transactions through an intuitive dashboard

Configure detailed spending limits
for your AI Agents

Define pre-approved payees to prevent unauthorized transactions and control where AI can send money to

Every transaction includes a reference ID and real-time status, enabling seamless tracking and basic payment reporting

Start in minutes.
Scale for years

Effortlessly integrate Payman into fintech, AI-driven trading, personal finance assistants, and more—launch your startup confidently, with no hidden fees or surprises.

  • Instant AI transactions

  • Security & compliance built-in

  • Seamless integration

Financial possibilities unlocked. We partner only with the best AI developers

We carefully choose our partners to ensure your customers’ funds remain secure and responsibly managed—because trust is everything.

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SDKs for speed.
APIs for power.

Works seamlessly with Vercel AI SDK, OpenAI SDK, Anthropic, LangChain, and other LLM frameworks.

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Where USD meets C

Payman now supports USDC Wallets, enabling secure AI-driven transactions with digital assets

  • Global cross-chain transactions

  • Unlimited Access Keys

  • Priority support

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Ready to give your
AI agent financial superpowers?

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